Find out where you can get help and support for carers.
You can contact these organisations yourself without speaking to a GP first.
Action for Carers Surrey
This organisation provides free independent advice and information – practical, financial and emotional – to support all Surrey carers of all ages and professionals who work with carers.
The service is free.
Action for Carers Surrey can help with support and advice for unpaid carers.
Phone: 0303 040 1234
Get help using Action for Carers
Staying independent
If you are struggling with everyday tasks, then simple equipment, practical aids, new technology or small changes to your home can make the difference between living independently and needing someone to help you or it can make caring for someone easier.
Staying Independent can help with:
- support and advice for unpaid carers
- independent living
- adapting your home
- community transport
- equipment and technology
- day centres
Phone: 0300 200 1005
Get help with Staying Independent
Crossroads Care Surrey
A charity which specialises in providing respite breaks for unpaid carers so they can get some all-important downtime.
Patients can self-refer for support by contacting Crossroads Care Surrey.
The service is free.
Crossroads Care Surrey can help with:
- support and advice for unpaid carers
- care replacement breaks for unpaid carers
- carer self-assessment
- carers card
Phone: 01372 869970
Get help with Crossroads Care Surrey
Financial Help for Carers
You could get a weekly allowance if you care for someone at least 35 hours a week and they get certain benefits.
You do not have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for.
You do not get paid extra if you care for more than one person.
If someone else also cares for the same person as you, only one of you can claim Carer’s Allowance. See the link below to claim your payment:
Silc Allowance
If you are a registered carer, your GP can prescribe services to support you in your caring role. These can include:
- A £300 payment to pay for services or equipment that will give you respite from your caring role (Please note, this is a one-off payment)
- An advice booklet for carers
- A registration form for you to get a Carer’s Emergency Card
- An onward referral to Action for Carers who can identify and recommend additional support services or groups that might be relevant to you
- An onward referral for a Carer’s Assessment for your own support needs
For more details see: Silc payment
Well being and Your Health
Looking after your own needs is so important when you have caring responsibilities. It’s all too easy to become exhausted and burnt out with everything you’re juggling. Here is some guidance on how to look after yourself so that you can be stronger and more resilient for those you look after.
Social Support and Carers
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this link Click Here explains your options and where you can get support.
Carers Newsletter for June 2024
Carers Week 2024_FINAL (002)
Other organisations that could help you
There are a number of other NHS services and charity groups that work in our area.