Access to Medical Records

To Register for Online Access

If you would like to register for online access  to your personal medical record then please click on the link below and complete the form. Please bare in mind you should already have copies of any hospital letters as the hospital send out postal copies to patients shortly after they are seen by the hospital.

Register for online services

Subject Access Request (SAR)

A SAR request is a request for a copy of your historical medical record which we normally supply as a PDF document.  It is not a request to access your ongoing medical records. A SAR  request can be made by a patient, or a request by a third party who has been authorised by the patient, for access under the GDPR (and DPA 2018) to obtain a copy of your GP medical record. To apply under a SAR request you need to supply photo ID and complete the online form. Once completed it takes up to 28 days to process.

Complete an online SAR  Form

Proxy access to GP Online Services

Proxy access is where you are requesting access to another persons medical record. This can only be provided under certain circumstances. To register for proxy access to a person medical record, you will need to complete this online form.

We will then issue you with a username and password.

Prospective access to medical records

Patients can access their medical record via the NHS app (and NHS website) if you have a suitable NHS login.

For further information please go to our ‘Accessing your GP-held records via the NHS app or NHS website‘ page.

To set up the NHS App and an NHS login

To set up your NHS account for the first time, you will need to set up an NHS login. Read about how to set up NHS login (

Most of the time you can successful set up an NHS Account

Once you have set up your NHS login, you can log in to your NHS account or download the NHS App onto your phone.

For further NHS app help see the link below:

Getting started with the NHS App – NHS App help and support – NHS (

Using your NHS account

There are other tasks you can do online, like:

  • order repeat prescriptions
  • view your test results
  • see parts of your health record
  • see your vaccination record
  • Please note despite what it says you cannot book an appt via the NHS appt

Summary Care Record

If you’re registered with a GP surgery you’ll have a Summary Care Record, unless you’ve chosen not to have one. It contains basic information including your allergies and medicines. It also includes any previous reactions you’ve had to medicine.

Having this information in one place makes it easier for healthcare staff to treat you in an emergency, or when the practice is closed.

Follow this link to the NHS website for more information on how to access your health records


GP2GP transfers electronic health records between a patient’s old and new practices. It is a direct, secure and quick way to send your medical records when you change GPs.

Find out more about GP2GP on the NHS Digital website

Your data matters to the NHS –  How to Opt Out

Your health records contain a type of data called confidential patient information. This data can help with research and planning.

You can choose if you want to share your data. You can also choose for someone else, such as your children under 13.

Your choice will only apply to the health and care system in England. It will not apply to services you use in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

Follow this link to find out how this data is used and how to opt out

My care patient online system being launched by St Peters Hospital

Please see information below regarding the new MyCare patient portal.

In February 2024 Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will jointly launch a new secure patient information portal called MyCare. This will be linked to our joint electronic patient record system.

MyCare is an online platform that enables users to view their hospital appointments and other information from their hospital record, in a similar way to the NHS app and many of the online services offered by GP surgeries.  MyCare will be integrated with the NHS app later in Spring 2024.

It will be available to all eligible patients aged 16 and over, with an NHS number and valid UK mobile phone number recorded in their hospital record. It is completely optional to register to use MyCare.

Following the launch, the following patient groups will receive a text message from NHSMyCare inviting them to register:

  • Patients booked for an outpatient appointment
  • Patients who attend the emergency department or urgent treatment centre
  • Patients who are admitted to hospital
  • Patients added to a waitlist

The portal will have basic functionality to start with which will be developed over time. Patients will be able to view:

  • Their appointments, but cannot make any changes to them initially
  • Their social history, family history, allergies and key metrics such as weight, height, Body Mass Index and blood pressure
  • Appointment letters, discharge letters and clinic letters
  • Patient information leaflets and guides

Patients who are due to have surgery at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals may be asked to complete a pre-operative assessment questionnaire so that they are booked for the most appropriate pre-op assessment appointment. Royal Surrey have an alternative electronic system already in place for this called LifeBox which they will continue to use.

MyCare will give patients an easy way to keep track of their hospital appointments and letters, reducing the number of missed appointments. In time as we move towards paperless, both Trusts will benefit from a cost saving which will be redirected into patient care and also reduce our carbon footprint.

Please provide reassurance for anyone concerned that the text message is not spam or phishing, and is genuine. If they prefer not to click on the link on the text message they can visit the MyCare page on Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals or Royal Surrey Hospital’s website, where the link to register onto the portal is available.

For more information visit or Our websites will continually be updated as we progress through the project and get closer to go-live. You can find frequently asked questions on our websites and our privacy policy for MyCare.

We have banners, posters and leaflets available across all appropriate areas within our hospital sites. We have a social media campaign, with posts that will be shared generally and within local community groups on Facebook. We will have floorwalkers within ED, UTC and SDEC to talk to patients about the portal and offering reassurance and support where required.

The poster and leaflet are available to download if you would like to print and display.

If you have any questions, you can contact the MyCare project team on:

Date published: 20th September, 2023
Date last updated: 31st May, 2024